
Reach certified solar professionals and companies on Solarmarkit

Get a rebate on your electricity bill

Once your solar installation is finished via Solarmarkit, we will give you a rebate on your first electricity bill. This rebate has been created by the Solarmarkit Company and does not involve government policies. You can use this to offset your electricity bill or for home improvements.

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Referral system

After you complete an installation via Solarmarkit, you will be given a unique referral code. This code will be used by the referrer when they post a job. After the referrer completes their installation, you will receive a referral fee deposited into your SolarWallet.

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Our Solutions

Solarmarkit provides value-for-money solutions for both homeowners and solar service professionals.

For Homeowners

Hire qualified solar professionals from the comforts of your own home. Choose from a wide array of solar professionals ready to help you with solar-related jobs.

For Solar Providers

Offer your services to homeowners in need of your expertise. Connect with homeowners.

Secured Payments

Transact safely with our secured payment system designed to guard your personal information.

Resolution and Support

Eliminate worries with our resolution and support team ready to assist you with any concern.

Solarmarkit Verifications

Connect with verified homeowners and solar professionals within the Solarmarkit network.

Solar Savings Guaranteed

You can be more confident about your solar system's return on investment because our solar savings guarantee eliminates the element of speculation.

They can utilize software to project your savings over time based on your roof size, post code, power bill usage, and energy provider.

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