Solar Savings Guaranteed by Solarmarkit
What is Solarmarkit’s Solar Savings Guarantee feature?
Only our Solar Provider customers have access to our Solar Savings Guarantee tool when they make an offer to a homeowner.
You'll determine the homeowner's potential savings once you've selected the solar system for them. It is the amount you estimate they will save with your solar installation over the course of a year. When we say "save," we mean the quarterly credit from the homeowner's electricity provider that they will receive as a result of installing solar. After a year, if the homeowner still hasn't saved the amount you predicted, they'll be entitled to the difference.
They will post quarterly information via their Solarmarkit dashboard for monitoring once their solar system is operational. Solarmarkit calculates their actual solar savings based on their monthly electricity bill.
TIP TO EARN: Your chances of getting the solar job greatly increase if you submit an offer and use the Solar Savings Guarantee tool.
Example A: Rachel (Homeowner) does not save expected amount ABC Solar (SolarPro) guaranteed.
ABC Solar submits an offer guaranteeing Rachel will save $800-$950 annually.
After the one year period, Rachel saves $700 annually (below the savings range).
Rachel is now eligible for $100 reimbursement from ABC Solar.
This reimbursement is paid to Rachel in Australian Dollars via SolarPay.
Example B: Tim (Homeowner) saves expected amount ABC Solar (SolarPro) guaranteed.
ABC Solar submits an offer guaranteeing Tim will save $800~$950 annually.
After the one year period, Tim saves $900 annually (within the savings range).
ABC Solar has provided a correct estimation of solar savings.
Why is a savings guarantee crucial when purchasing a solar system?
You can be more confident about the solar system's return on investment because a savings guarantee feature eliminates the element of speculation.
How is the SolarPro able to guarantee savings?
They can utilize software to project your savings over time based on your roof size, post code, power bill usage, and energy provider. After your new system is installed, they will be able to forecast how much solar energy you will produce and export. With the Solar Savings Guarantee feature from Solarmarkit, you can rely on us to assist you in achieving your savings goal.
What happens if I don't save the whole amount promised?
Any discrepancy between your estimated and actual savings will be applied to your SolarWallet at the end of the 12-month period (within 30 business days) by your assigned SolarPro.
Example A: Rachel (Homeowner) does not save expected amount ABC Solar (SolarPro) guaranteed
ABC Solar submits an offer guaranteeing Rachel will save $800-$950 annually.
After the one year period, Rachel saves $700 annually (below the savings range).
Rachel is now eligible for $100 reimbursement from ABC Solar.
This reimbursement is paid to Rachel in Australian Dollars via SolarPay.
Can I save even more than the amount I've been promised?
You might occasionally save more than the projected savings. We appreciate it when homeowners make savings, and if you maximise your solar power, you might even save more than you had anticipated. Reduce your nighttime energy use by using our energy-saving advice.
How will I be able to calculate how much money I've saved since going solar?
On your Solarmarkit dashboard under Savings, to calculate your actual savings, upload a PDF of your electricity bill. Solarmarkit will then determine your actual electricity bill savings and update your dashboard. Along with a ton of other helpful information, this will contain your savings for the quarter and your overall savings to date.