To build a community where people can experience a secure and satisfying Solarmarkit, we require support from all members.
Staying respectful and honest to others is what Solarmarkit's ethics are built on.
Solar Provider Guildelines:
Solarmarkit helps facilitate an open, safe, and thriving working environment and help resolve problems if they occur. In response, we require the collaboration and timely reaction to requests of Solarmarkit personnel. In case you suspect that a member has violated Solarmarkit Guidelines, please remember to report it on Solarmarkit as soon as possible. Contact Customer Support located at the bottom of the homepage and in your user dashboard.
We take violations of Guidelines seriously. Suppose our Solarmarkit team receives information you have violated any one of the Guidelines below; we may remove content, either Posted Job or Offer you have submitted or suspend or cancel your account or any Job contracts on the Solarmarkit platform.
To keep Solarmarkit's sincerity and credibility, members can only exchange personal contact details via private messaging only after an Offer has been approved by the Homeowner.
For your security and safety, personal contact details or websites aren't permitted to be shared in any general conversation on the Solarmarkit platform, such as any attachments or comments, company or individual websites, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, emails, phone numbers, or addresses.
2. Intolerable behaviours
Understanding mutual respect and perspective from another member's standpoint is crucial. At Solarmarkit, we don't tolerate the following behaviors against any Solarmarkit member or Solarmarkit personnel.
2.1 Hate Speech or violence
2.2 Illegal dealings
2.3 Discrimination
2.4 Harassment
2.5 Trolling
3. Unsupported activities
We are devoted to bringing a solar community together. For this to happen, we require your teamwork and honesty. We don't support any of the following actions:
3.1 Fake Solarmarkit reviews
3.2 Falsely improving Solarmarkit profile
3.3 Discussion forum
3.4 Collecting member information
3.5 Lead generation
4. Payments and Pricing
For all Solarmarkit members to experience a secure and fulfilling community, it is essential to understand how your payments and pricing work.
4.1 Correct banking details
Please ensure your banking details are accurate in your SolarWallet found in your dashboard to ensure a smooth transition of funds.
4.2 Solarmarkit Payment Account
Multiple types of online payments are supported on the Solarmarkit platform. To ensure that you get paid for a job, Solarmarkit securely holds the job funds until you mark it as complete.
4.3 Offer prices
Offers submitted have to be totalled to the full amount per job or via a third-party payment plan. Offers must not be hourly or quote-based. Incomplete quotes that say additional negotiation of prices outside Solarmarkit are not permitted.
4.4 Payment with VISA or Mastercard or Cash
All Jobs can be paid via credit or debit Mastercard or VISA card.
5. Your Reputation and Responsibility
You stay accountable for the Solarmarkit platform's behavior and the supply and effect of every job you're assigned to. Your responsibilities include:
5.1 Fulfilment of job requirements
Solar Providers are expected to provide the services as agreed with in the job offer.
5.2 Supervising other Solar Providers you have involved in a job
The Solar Provider assigned to the job is accountable for any Solar Providers organized to help them supply the professional services consented with the Homeowner. In the event the Solar Provider assigned chooses to outsource others to do the job agreed, then the Solar Provider must inform the Homeowner. The Solar Provider assigned to the job also has to make sure that all Solar Providers have their own Solarmarkit account. For jobs, you must check that the job descriptions are met even when you have other Solar Providers assisting with your job.
5.3 The experience you provide for the Solarmarkit community
Solar Providers should only provide high-quality jobs for other members of the Solarmarkit Community.
We remind you that where Solarmarkit gets reports you've violated one or more of these Guidelines, we will act to remove any content or terminate or suspend your Solarmarkit account or any job contracts.
We understand you are prepared to set up an account and get started on Solarmarkit; however, we need to make sure you are eligible for the following:
6.1. 18 years or older:
All members of the Solarmarkit community must be 18 years or older. Solarmarkit reserves the right to request proof of age should this be necessary.
6.2. Legal working rights:
All of the Solar Providers need to be lawfully eligible to do the job. Solarmarkit reserves the right to request a CEC (Clean Energy Council) Accreditation should this be necessary. To keep the Solarmarkit community's best standards, we want to prevent situations that can cause our members uncertainties.
6.3. One account per person rule
Members of the Solarmarkit community are only permitted one active account per person on the platform. As a Solarmarkit account displays your reputation in the community and reflects your abilities and skills, any extra accounts trying to conceal a person's identity or history will be removed instantly. It follows that additional information posted will be removed along with associated job contracts.
Now you know more about the Solarmarkit Guidelines, we've got crucial information about your account.
7.1. No account transfers
Your account is your responsibility, and you must manage this. It must not be reassigned, transferred, or sold to another person as your account and reviews reflect your expertise.
7.2. One account per person rule
Members of the Solarmarkit community are only permitted one active account per person on the platform. As a Solarmarkit account displays your reputation in the community and reflects your abilities and skills, any extra accounts trying to conceal a person's identity or history will be removed instantly. It follows that additional information posted will be removed along with associated jobs.
7.3. Cooperating with members for the Solarmarkit Community and Solarmarkit Staff
Where members of the Solarmarkit team contact to ask for your information, you are expected to reply within a reasonable time-frame of forty-eight (48) hours.
8. Identity on Solarmarkit
Solarmarkit is devoted to developing a platform that is a positive and secure community for everyone. This commitment is grounded in the fundamentals of respect and transparency. To assist in nurturing trust in Solarmarkit, all members must provide a profile name and photo which accurately identifies them.
Fake profile photographs, company logos and profile names are not allowed on the Solarmarkit platform. Members that do not have an accurate profile photo or name that matches Solarmarkit standards will be requested to modify their details.
8.1. Name
Your real name as confirmed by your valid ID (Driver’s License, Passport etc).
8.2. Profile photo
A clear selfie profile photo of a members face, so it’s easy recognisable to other members.
Homeowner Guidelines:
Solarmarkit helps facilitate an open, safe, and thriving working environment and help resolve problems if they occur. In response, we require the collaboration and timely reaction to requests of Solarmarkit personnel. In case you suspect that a member has violated Solarmarkit Guidelines, please remember to report it on Solarmarkit as soon as possible. Contact Customer Support located at the bottom of the homepage and in your user dashboard.
We take violations of Guidelines seriously. Suppose our Solarmarkit team receives information you have violated any one of the Guidelines below; we may remove content, either Posted Job or Offer you have submitted or suspend or cancel your account or any Job contracts on the Solarmarkit platform.
Job posting guidelines
The Solarmarkit community helps you get more accomplished. To produce secure and respectful conditions, we all want you to follow our Guidelines below.
A. Jobs must be legal
B. Clear description, completion date and budget required
C. Job based posts
D. No advertising
To keep Solarmarkit's sincerity and credibility, members can only exchange personal contact details via private messaging only after an Offer has been approved by the Homeowner.
For your security and safety, personal contact details or websites aren't permitted to be shared in any general conversation on the Solarmarkit platform, such as any attachments or comments, company or individual websites, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, emails, phone numbers, or addresses.
2. Intolerable behaviours
Understanding mutual respect and perspective from another member's standpoint is crucial. At Solarmarkit, we don't tolerate the following behaviors against any Solarmarkit member or Solarmarkit personnel.
2.1 Hate Speech or violence
2.2 Illegal dealings
2.3 Discrimination
2.4 Harassment
2.5 Trolling
3. Unsupported activities
We are devoted to bringing a solar community together. For this to happen, we require your teamwork and honesty. We don't support any of the following actions:
3.1 Fake Solarmarkit reviews
3.2 Falsely improving Solarmarkit profile
3.3 Discussion forum
3.4 Collecting member information
3.5 Lead generation
4. Payments and Pricing
For all Solarmarkit members to experience a secure and fulfilling community, it is essential to understand how your payments and pricing work.
4.1 Correct banking details
Please ensure your banking details are accurate in your SolarWallet found in your dashboard to ensure a smooth transition of funds.
4.2 Solarmarkit Payment Account
Multiple types of online payments are supported on the Solarmarkit platform. To ensure that you get paid for a job, Solarmarkit securely holds the job funds until you mark it as complete.
4.3 No partial payments
Any Offers made on your job should be for that entire job. After you accept an offer, that's the only amount you're obliged to pay; there aren't any extra fees attached. Posted Jobs offering part payment, for example, commission jobs, are not allowed and will be taken off the Solarmarkit platform.
4.4 Offer prices
Offers submitted have to be totalled to the full amount per job or via a third-party payment plan. Offers must not be hourly or quote-based. Incomplete quotes that say additional negotiation of prices outside Solarmarkit are not permitted.
4.5 Payment with VISA or Mastercard or Cash
All Jobs can be paid via credit or debit Mastercard or VISA card.
5. Your Reputation and Responsibility
You stay accountable for the Solarmarkit platform's behaviour and the supply and effect of every job you're assigned to. Your responsibilities include:
5.1 Fulfilment of job requirements
Solar Providers are expected to provide the services as agreed on the job offer.
5.2 Supervising other Solar Providers you have involved in a job
The Solar Provider assigned to the job is accountable for any Solar Providers organized to help them supply the professional services consented with the Homeowner. In the event the Solar Provider assigned chooses to outsource others to do the job agreed, then the Solar Provider must inform the Homeowner. The Solar Provider assigned to the job also has to make sure that all Solar Providers have their own Solarmarkit account. For jobs, you must check that the job descriptions are met even when you have other Solar Providers assisting with your job.
5.3 The experience you provide for the Solarmarkit community
Solar Providers should only provide high-quality jobs for other members of the Solarmarkit Community.
We remind you that where Solarmarkit gets reports you've violated one or more of these Guidelines, we will act to remove any content or terminate or suspend your Solarmarkit account or any job contracts.
We understand you are prepared to set up an account and get started on Solarmarkit; however, we need to make sure you are eligible for the following:
6.1. 18 years or older:
All members of the Solarmarkit community must be 18 years or older. Solarmarkit reserves the right to request proof of age should this be necessary.
6.2. Legal working rights:
All of the Solar Providers need to be lawfully eligible to do the job. Solarmarkit reserves the right to request a CEC (Clean Energy Council) Accreditation should this be necessary. To keep the Solarmarkit community's best standards, we want to prevent situations that can cause our members uncertainties.
6.3. One account per person rule
Members of the Solarmarkit community are only permitted one active account per person on the platform. As a Solarmarkit account displays your reputation in the community and reflects your abilities and skills, any extra accounts trying to conceal a person's identity or history will be removed instantly. It follows that additional information posted will be removed along with associated job contracts.
Now you know more about the Solarmarkit Guidelines, we've got crucial information about your account.
7.1. No account transfers
Your account is your responsibility, and you must manage this. It must not be reassigned, transferred, or sold to another person as your account and reviews reflect your expertise.
7.2. One account per person rule
Members of the Solarmarkit community are only permitted one active account per person on the platform. As a Solarmarkit account displays your reputation in the community and reflects your abilities and skills, any extra accounts trying to conceal a person's identity or history will be removed instantly. It follows that additional information posted will be removed along with associated jobs.
7.3. Cooperating with members for the Solarmarkit Community and Solarmarkit Staff
Where members of the Solarmarkit team contact to ask for your information, you are expected to reply within a reasonable time-frame of forty-eight (48) hours.
8. Identity on Solarmarkit
Solarmarkit is devoted to developing a platform that is a positive and secure community for everyone. This commitment is grounded in the fundamentals of respect and transparency. To assist in nurturing trust in Solarmarkit, all members must provide a profile name and photo which accurately identifies them.
Fake profile photographs, company logos and profile names are not allowed on the Solarmarkit platform. Members that do not have an accurate profile photo or name that matches Solarmarkit standards will be requested to modify their details.
8.1. Name
Your real name as confirmed by your valid ID (Driver’s License, Passport etc).
8.2. Profile photo
A clear selfie profile photo of a members face, so it’s easy recognisable to other members.